Monday, January 27, 2020

Classic glacial and post glacial landforms of snowdonia

Classic glacial and post glacial landforms of snowdonia Cwm Idwal (CI) is a Cirque: which is a glacially eroded semi circular steep walled basin, cirques commonly contain a lake this is what Llyn Idwal is. The Younger Dryas period was when CI was formed as a cirque, around 12,000 years ago, in the UK the event was called the Loch Lomond Stidial (The BBC, 2002). Various landforms that are associated with glacial and post-glacial are found in this area, with using a base map and Google Maps of the area we were able to determine some landforms before going into the field. By doing this, we managed to predict the Ice Flow Direction and where the Moraine Ridges were in the landscape. * Next to the footpath, on appendix 1 grid reference 360001:359004, we can see an Erratic from the annotation on the map that the erratic is small. Appendix 2, figure 1 shows a field sketch of the erratic and rough measurements of 7 meters long and 2 meters high. An erratic is a boulder carried by glacial ice from the origin usually in a different bedrock type on destination (Hug, 1998). * Roche Moutonnà ©e landforms Commonly occur in clusters (Bennett and Glasser, 1996, p118). However, this example on the base map in appendix 1 is a singular mass at 359009: 264009. The mass is 10 meters long and 1.5 meters high as shown in appendix 2 figure 3 of my field sketches. the smooth end faces the direction of flow whilst the other side is steeper (Summerfield, 1993). * * The Degraded Rock Wall with loose rock debris is roughly 200 meters high, this was found in appendix 1 at 359008: 264007.Being around 400 meters across. The rock debris can be highlighted gratefully by appendix 2, figure 5, on Google maps you cannot see rock debris or scree very clearly, this is why fieldwork is vital for identification. à   (Google Maps, 2009) * * The Glacially Eroded and Steepened Rock Wall on appendix 1 is located at 358002: 264007, is typical of a cirque. The landform is located at the heads of deep valleys (Summerfield, 1993, p274) * * A Hanging Valley is formed from glaciations, being eroded by a small glacier; the valley sits up above Cwm Valley. In appendix 1 the location is 358002: 264008 and finishes around 359008: 263001. You can see the layout of the hanging valley in appendix 2, figure 9. A typical feature of a hanging valley is a waterfall or stream which can be seen easily on my field sketch. * * Hummocky Moraine is formed from a high debris concentration its an irregular collection of mounds and enclosed hollows (Bennett and Glasser, 1996, p231). These mounds can be seen clearly in appendix 2, figure 8, the cluster is 80 meters wide and 115 meters length ways. The amount on CI is two small belts either side of Llyn Idwal in appendix 1 at 358005: 264003 and 358003: 264004. * * Infilled Lake Basin is dammed by a rock lip, the movement of the ice in the Younger Dryas period created a deep basin (Owen and Green, 1997). Llyn Idwal is from 50- 305 meters wide and 625 meters long. Appendix 1 locates the lake basin starting at 358004: 359002. The field sketch on appendix 2, figure 7, shows the flat lake basin and the lip in the far distance of the sketch. * * Whalebacks are parts of bedrock the ice has moved over and so have been smoothed and rounded all over erosion. In appendix 1 the whalebacks are located at 360006: 264001. They range from 145 meters long and 40 meters wide. Post glacial landforms develop after the glaciation period, landforms highlighted in appendix 4 such as degraded rock wall, forming truncated spurs happen due to weathering. Physical weathering dominates cold climates such as CI. Freeze thaw happens when temperature is around 0 degrees, water in joints freeze and expand by around 10%, weakening the surrounding rock. Physical weathering affects the majority of glacial and post glacial features on appendix 3, with exception to the infilled lake basin. Pressure release from the former ice sheet covering the rock produces sheet joints parallel to the ground surface, therefore encourages further weathering. Hydrolysis affects feldspar as the water combines with certain minerals in the rock. When weathered it produces Na, K and Mg ions which are clay minerals.Organic action is produced by the action of animals and plant roots braking up the rock. Roots seep through existing cracks as they grow and thicken they increase the pressure on the cracks causing them to fracture and expand. In a wet environment, such as CI, the growth rate of vegetation is high. Weathering is influenced by climate, underlying geology, vegetation cover, relief and aspect. The geology is hard rock, made up of felsic tuff, an igneous rock rich in light coloured minerals such as feldspar and silica (quartz) (Hug, 1998). The rock has an equigranular texture, and is cooled very slowly and is intrinsic, slow cooling enables the minerals to be very small and confined. Tiff is a hard volcanic rock composed of compacted volcanic ash. Igneous rocks are more resistant than sedimentary, they are older rocks found in upland areas such as North West Wales. Due to the release of pressure from the glacier melting the rock developed cracked joints and bedding planes which causes water to enter the rock, therefore the amount of joints increases the weathering. The chemical composition of the rock determines the vulnerability of weathering. The granite and feldspar are prone to hydrolysis (Alden, 2006). Vegetation cover is important, organic acids from plants and other matter increase chemical weathering on Cwm Idwal. Due to the low vegetation cover , the organic acids released from bacteria and respiration of the plant roots only produce a small increase in the carbon dioxide for chemical weathering. Relief and Aspect is a major part of CI, it is a mountainous area, exposed to rain and extreme temperatures, the area is vulnerable to physical processes such as freeze thaw. Gravity has more force on steep slopes, so weathered material is removed quickly, such as a steepened rock wall. Not like the more gentle slopes in CI such as the degraded rock wall with a debris cone which is scree build up. Geomorphological mapping is a brilliant way of accessing an area of interest that people go too. Photographs from people previously going to the area is a brilliant example of secondary data, comprising of brilliant detail. This can include being able to see the proper image of the slopes and the landforms such as scree slopes and degraded rock walls. In appendix 4 lies the photographs which were taken from the trip. This can be harder to see from aerial photographs as the picture quality is lower the more you zoom in, conversely, you can get a scale for the landforms and find out the size. Areas that people are unable to climb are easily viewed from aerial photographs therefore has an important part. However, both of these techniques have fixed viewpoints and so acquiring a whole virtual picture of an area before going is impossible. Field mapping is a longer process which you have to be at the area of study. However, for the viewer it is an in depth analysis with a virtual picture of the whole area. Problems with this method are that areas that are inaccessible due to not having safety equipment cannot be viewed. This is the one major flaw with this approach, landforms associated with this problem are hanging valleys and v shaped valleys. This is where aerial photographs are beneficial. In conclusion, aerial photographs are congenial to work with for preliminary study of a location; however field work is needed to incorporate understanding of the area. Nothing is more prominent than a 3D view of the work area. Additionally, photographs, aerial pictures and Google maps are a necessity when trying to understand the location prior to visiting to enable building up a picture and specifying what parts you want to specialise in. Word Count: 1,365 References Alden A. (2006) Equigranular Texture in About Geology [online]. [accessed 21/11/2009] The BBC (2002) Younger Dryas- the Ice Ages last big blast [online]. [accessed 17/11/2009] Bennett M.R. and Glasser N.F (1996), Glacial Geology, 1st edition, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, West Sussex, England. Chapter 6, p116-134. Chapter 9, p231-235. Geography High (2008) Post-Glacial Landforms [online]. [accessed 17/11/2009] Google Maps (2009) Google Maps UK [online] [accessed 17/11/2009] Hug K. (1998) An outline of American Geography- Glossary [online]. [accessed 17/11/2009] Maltman A.J, Hubbard B. and Hambrey M.J (2000), deformation of glacial materials in Geological Society Special Publication. Number 176, p321-323. One Geology, NE Geology (2009) Making Geological Map Data of the Earth Accessible [online] [accessed 17/11/2009] Owen S. and Green J. (1997) National Parks in the UK, 1st edition, Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham, England. P11-13. Reynolds Geo- Sciences Ltd (2003) Guidelines for Geomorphological Mapping in Glacial Hazards and Risk Management [online] [accessed 22/11/2009] Summerfield M.A. (1993) Global Geomorphology, 1st edition, Longman, Essex, England. Chapter 11, p272-280. Turnbill R. (2009) Granite and Grit: A Walkers Guide to the Geology of British Mountians, 1st edition, Frances Lincoln Ltd, London. P101.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Reimbursement and Pay for Service Essay

Introduction In this paper we will discuss what pay for performance is and explain what the reimbursement affect is. In this paper it will show how the system figures out cost reduction and the impact of the quality care patients receive. How does reimbursement and pay for performance affect the physicians? Does this affect us now and will it in the future? Health care has been changing dramatically because of history, political and social along with economical reasons. Reimbursement and pay for performance can and may even change the quality of care. Pay-for-performance because our current payment system we are using is not emphasizing preventive care for patients or consumers. Pay-for-Performance is payment used in the health care it is and has been based off of clinical information. The idea is to help tie the payment to what and how well providers help the cost of health care drop. The intent is for preventive care medicine to helping decrease and help with the management of chronic illness. (Pay-for-Performance Incentive Programs in Health Care ( N.D.) With in several months studies have shown that the studies show that the pay for performance works and others that say it does not work. Effect of Pay-for-Performa nce on Reimbursement Here are some examples of pay for performance is Bridges of Excellent, which is a nonprofit health care plan. Its major factor is patients with diabetes. They feel like over 60% of patients with diabetes don’t get the proper treatment and care. The American Diabetes Association has standards and the Bridges to excellent plan gives annual bonuses to physicians in specific areas such as Boston, Louisville and Cincinnati these cities could and have meet the requirements of this health care plan. On this plan Diabetic care calls for the patient being compliant with care and medications. In this plan the blood sugar test and kidney function and retinal exams would have  to be done on a consistent bases. In this plan compensation is up to and over $100.00 per patient for the providers that stick to the rules. Another plan is Anthem Indianapolis this plan started in 1999 that employed over 25 OBGYN providers in Ohio. This is the oldest plan within the US. This plan is done on and by patient satisfaction. Providers push generic drugs instead of name brand ones. Pay For Performance Pay for performance is a movement in health care field. Providers under this arrangement are rewarded for meeting pre-established target dates for specific health care services or procedures. This is also known as â€Å"P4P† or â€Å"value-based purchasing,† this rewards physicians, clinics, and rehabilitation centers, Surgical clinics, hospitals, medical groups, and other healthcare providers. They are rewarded for meeting certain performance measures, as well as quality and efficiency. (Wachter, Bob; (2012) Pay for performance does things such as eliminating payments for negative consequences of care. Which can be medical errors from all health care providers. Errors have increased costs. With increase of seasoned senior citizens and disability patients the high rising cost of health care has brought the P4P to the front of the line. Brought P4P to the forefront of health policy discussions. There have been some studies done by several large healthcare systems. With this it has shown improvements with specific outcomes. A little efficiency has taken effect, but at no cost savings. How much are they really saving because the cost of administrative services is still required. Explains how reimbursement is affected by the pay-for- performance approach. Within the last decade or years the economy has had many people becoming unemployed and finding jobs at a lower pay rate as to where they cannot afford insurance because they are to high. With being done more people are applying for Medicaid and with all the seasoned senior citizens retiring and receiving Medicare these two insurances are already participating in this service. Majority of health care systems are participating. Many believe  that for- profit and non-for-profit health care facilities believe in lower cost for providers that meet the standards of quality care. Care field. There is a perception that cost is driving up health care treatment. Cost reductions lowers cost of visits, emergence room visits, and urgent care visits. It also helps providers to promote preventive care to their patients. Making sure that all hospitals and providers are on the same scale of service. Preventive care helps prevent insurance premiums from rising at cost to the company and consumer. Effect of Pay-for-Performance health care Providers and their Patients This plan has the support of providers, hospitals and even patients. With this pay for providers must have and use good judgment for treatment and medication and test that maybe ran. The health care cannot be rated by race, ethnic background, or the patient’s social status. This plan should not judge by a patient’s location. This plan is and should be a relationship between patient and provider. The provider needs to understand the patients beliefs and it may help them to treat them and respond to certain myths and recommendations that the provider may suggest. Hospitala and providers and helat care workers are being encouraged to buy into the P4P by different agencies and tahe government. Individual health plans area chiming in also. It has pros and cons such as weakness that may or may not improve health care. It is suppose to help lower or slow down ER visits and physicians visits. Now if the providers give quality and efficent care they would and could get financial rewards if patient care improves. P4P measures performance and policy set up for putting this service in action. Discusses the effects pay-for-performance will have on the future of health care The P4P effects that will be seen in the future of health care is that the health care field will see it expand. Pay-for-Performance-defined a reimbursement service that will have links to payments for quality care, which will be an incentive to help improve health care quality of patients by physicians, and hospitals. In improving health care it is suppose to reduce the cost of It was expected that hospitals and providers would respond to P4P incentives. For future health care will based on quality health care and it will become a contract for reimbursement. Patients should feel like they have gotten the  value of their money. One effect of future health care is those physicians and hospitals that don’t participate will be at less to receive patients. Patients that have this health care plan will be more apt to seek physicians that participate. (Goldberg, L; (2006) Conclusion People in the health care field are getting interested in the pay for performance because the health care guidelines and regulations are changing in Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance. More hospitals and clinics and specialty facilities and rehab centers are loving receiving incentives for their participation and in the process they are saving cost to patients and insurance companies. P4P is working with insurance companies and providers for the quality of care for patients to be improved. Now managed care is now looking at pay for performance. Reimbursement being linked to pay for performance is like being paid to shop for the best bargain or the most person to fit your needs.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

My Mother Essay

My Mother Life without someone who loving us is just like an empty world. All people in this world have their own person who always takes care of them. So do I. She is the only one, ‘my mother’. My mother is Beautiful, a very helpful to a family member and a caring person. see more:short essay on my mother My earliest memories of my mother was her pretty face, beautiful smile, and small frame.To me she was the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing compared to her.Even though she was unlike the celebrity moms who wore designer clothes and ate in fancy restaurants, my mother was very real.My mother has a light color skin. She wears a black ,long and bouncy hair. She is 5’2 in height and she is skinny.She has a big, brown eyes. My mother is beautiful just the way she is,without even trying to do anything. Like most mother, my mother teaches me to do house chores. I remember when I was still 13 years old, my mother teaches me how to cook. She became my inspiration as I grew up. She is always there to help each member of the family. Eventhough she was tired working in the morning she is always there to cook us dinner and make each member of the family happy.My mother is always there to help with my other relatives too. She is willing to help whenever my relatives from Philippines whenever they needed help. Even though there were four children in the family, my mother never played favorites.But rather, made appoint to be fair and equal with all of her children. Whenever I admitted to making a mistake, Mom would not hesitate to point it out to me, and punish me if needed. At times I detested it but over time I came to realize that Mom did that because she had my best interests at heart. She was never one to hold grudges for long.Like most mothers, my mother was very protective of me that often times I resented her for being so.I did not understand why she had to constantly ask about my whereabouts:Who I was with and where I was going. It never occurred to me that this was an essential part of being a mother.A mother cares and worries for her children.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Ideas for Christmas Journal Writing Prompts

Journal writing, at least three times per week, is an important part of any language arts program in elementary school. These Christmas writing topics will inspire your students to write about the festive and seasonal ideas that are on our minds every December. Christmas Journal Writing Topics What does it mean to have the holiday spirit?Why do you think red and green are the Christmas colors?What are you and your family most grateful for this holiday season? Write about three or more things.Describe what you know about the North Pole. Describe a typical day for the elves.Take five minutes to draw your family celebrating the holidays. Then write in detail about your traditions. Use your five senses to describe the celebrations tastes, looks, smells, and textures.Tell about how each member of your family contributes to your Christmas traditions.If Christmas is one of your favorite holidays, describe why you enjoy it so much. Are there any parts of the holiday that you dont like? If you dont enjoy Christmas the most, how do you think it could be made better?What is your favorite Christmas book? Describe the plot and your reactions to it.What are your wishes for the world this holiday season?Use your imagination to describe Santas journey with his reindeer. Start from the mom ent he packs up the sleigh to when he returns back to the North Pole.Do you wish Christmas was every day of the year? Why or why not?Pick three New Years Resolutions. Describe why you picked them and how you will accomplish them.